The 1960s was the time where deep changes were refining the role of women in American society. More females than ever were able to work and get paid money. Many women however were dissatisfied because of the huge gender imbalance in pay and advancement and sexual harassment at the workplace. One of the most extreme and great change that was occuring in the sexual life of women during this time. It was around the end of the 1960s that most wives were using contraception after the federal government in 1960 finally approved the birth control pill. This freed many women from the unwanted pregnancy and gave them choices, and freedom, in their personal life decisions.
Americans women during this time started accepting some of the basic goals of the 1960s feminists. These basic goals included the equal pay for equal work, an end to domestic violence, the reduction of limits on women in managerial jobs, an end to sexual harassment, and sharing of responsibility for housework and child rearing. In 1966, the National Organization for Women was formed. In 1968, feminists protested at the Miss America contest in Atlantic City, arguing that the pageant was very sexist. This show that in gender issues was present during this time.
In the Sara Evans text, Born for Liberty, " in the late sixties feminists challenges were in the headlines and oppositions to the war in Vietnam had toppled the president" (page 284). This shows that women started having their voice count more because they were sick of being in war. They were also able to create a peace movement in 1968 that had over thousand people marching and agreeing on the concept of no more war. In conclusion, the 1960s really did make many significant changes for women.
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